Politics 2024-09-15T11:34:46+03:00
Ukrainian news
Onyshchenko is protected by Russian Special Forces, - reports US media

Onyshchenko is protected by Russian Special Forces, - reports US media

FSB, Putin, Oleksandr Onyshchenko

According to the American media reports, Oleksandr Onyshchenko is not some stranger to Russia. Acquaintances in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation from the times of service in the USSR armed forces in GDR, where he was recruited and where he met Vladimir Putin, gave him a possibility to receive a passport of the Russian Federation, fakty.ictv.ua reports.

Thus, the American edition, Times Square Chronicles published the following material: Pro-Russia Oligarch Onyshchenko Could Help Destabilize Ukraine, in which journalist Vincent Steel analyzed the past of the fugitive deputy and businessman Oleksandr Onyshchenko.

- Russia is trying to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, using fake footage and promoting a new candidate for a post of President. Kremlin decided to play a criminal card again in the future presidential elections in Ukraine, - the same method as in the case of Yanukovych - by nominating a criminal and a former member of the Party of Regions, connected with FSS - Oleksandr Onyshchenko, against President Poroshenko.

Fugitive deputy Onyshchenko, who is hiding from the Ukrainian justice in Spain, told in the interview to the German edition, Die Welt, that he is going to run for the presidency in Ukraine in 2019 as opposed to the current president Petro Poroshenko. The other day he confirmed his intention to become a president in the interview to the Russian television channel NTV.

According to the American media, Onyshchenko is not just a Ukrainian oligarch, but a gangster with a criminal history. His background was a reason for him to completely change his name: from Oleksandr Radzhabovych Kadyrov to Oleksandr Romanovych Onyshchenko. In the criminal police of Ukraine there is information about his past: in the 1990s he was a criminal, was in jail and got probation.

Frequent visits to the aggressor country, without any reason: he does not have an official business there, and his statements on the state television of the Russian Federation, only emphasize the Kremlin style to discredit the Ukrainian authorities. In particular, in recent years he has become famous for his “footage” and blackmailing the new Ukrainian authorities, which came after the Revolution of Dignity. Russia helps Onyshchenko to collect dirt on the Ukrainian authorities.

It should be reminded that in Ukraine Onyshchenko is accused of stealing more than $1.5 billion of public money. Onyshchenko has been hiding abroad in recent years and supposedly prepares oppo on the Ukrainian authorities.

As the Times Square Chronicles writes, in such a way he simply tries to avoid punishment and to benefit from the political situation in Ukraine.

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