Politics 2024-09-15T11:26:12+03:00
Ukrainian news
Constitutional Court Ex-Deputy Head Shapoval Expecting Authorities To Appoint Malleable Judges To Anti-Corrupt

Constitutional Court Ex-Deputy Head Shapoval Expecting Authorities To Appoint Malleable Judges To Anti-Corruption Court

Volodymyr Shapoval, a former deputy chief justice of the Constitutional Court and former head of the Central Election Commission, expects the government to appoint malleable judges to the Higher Anti-Corruption Court.

Shapoval announced this in comments to the Ukrainian News Agency.

"The authorities will now exert maximum efforts to cripple the Anti-Corruption Court. Remember how the law on the Higher Anti-Corruption Court passed through the parliament and what happened to it. Now is another stage – the appointment of its composition. They include ‘agents of influence,’ who will implement the appropriate policy, saturate this court with malleable judges," he said.

According to him, special anti-corruption courts are created as a rule in countries that have corruption problems, and such a court will not be superfluous in Ukraine.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, former (from December 1994 to October 2002) chief justice of the Supreme Court of Ukraine Vitalii Boiko has expressed doubt that the country needs the Higher Anti-Corruption Court.

The parliament established the Higher Anti-Corruption Court on June 21.


