Politics 2024-09-15T10:00:05+03:00
Ukrainian news
Nova Poshta Not To Suspend Mail Delivery To/From China Due To Coronavirus

Nova Poshta Not To Suspend Mail Delivery To/From China Due To Coronavirus

China, Nova Poshta, mail, Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, departures, mail delivery, shipment

The Nova Poshta express delivery company does not plan to suspend the delivery of mail to/from China due to the 2019-nCoV coronavirus.

The company's press service has informed the Ukrainian News Agency.

“The Nova Poshta International has no plans to suspend shipments to/from China. As for parcels from China, they are delivered as usual," the company said.

At the same time, departures from Ukraine to China by the Nova Poshta are delivered as usual, but local delivery within China itself may be delayed.

This is due to the limitations of the work of Chinese companies due to the coronavirus.

The company noted that so far it’s difficult to analyze whether coronavirus has affected shipments from China.

At that, in January-February, the number of parcels from China is usually smaller, which is associated with the celebration of New Year holidays in this country.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the Ukrposhta joint-stock company temporarily suspended deliveries of mail to China due to the 2019-nCoV coronavirus.


