Politics 2024-09-15T09:47:26+03:00
Ukrainian news
Stepanov Names 4 Criteria For Making Decisions On Quarantine Relaxation

Stepanov Names 4 Criteria For Making Decisions On Quarantine Relaxation

Maksym Stepanov, health minister, Coronavirus, quarantine, COVID-19, quarantine relaxation

Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov named four criteria for making decisions on relaxation of quarantine.

He said this at a briefing, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"The Ministry of Health has developed a phased relaxation of quarantine measures, they are very clear, and I think they will be adopted at the next government meeting," he said.

According to him, there are 4 stages of quarantine exit, specific criteria correspond to each of these stages, and there are corresponding relaxation for each of these stages.

“Let's start with the criteria: the number of new cases in the last 7 days per 100,000 people, this is the so-called incidence rate; the load of beds according to COVID-19 should be no more than 50%; the number of PCR tests, plus IFA tests in the last 7 days per 100,000 people should be at level 15. The number of new cases over the past 7 days to the previous 7 days or the R-score should be at the level of 0.9-1," he said.

Stepanov noted that all these stages will be introduced according to the adaptive quarantine formula.

"These indicators are different by regions. We believe that it will be the right tactic if, depending on the region, we will relax quarantine, that is, the approval of these stages will be at the national level, and relaxation will be including at the level of a specific region," he added.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Stepanov states that sports may resume from May 22, hotels may open, public transport and preschool educational institutions may resume work.

The Cabinet of Ministers intends to extend quarantine after May 22.


