Politics 2024-09-15T09:26:31+03:00
Ukrainian news
Cabinet Bans School Attendance In Regions Classified As Coronavirus "Green," "Yellow," Or "Orange" Zones If 50

Cabinet Bans School Attendance In Regions Classified As Coronavirus "Green," "Yellow," Or "Orange" Zones If 50% Of Classes In Self-Isolation

Cabinet, Cabinet of Ministers, school, Coronavirus, COVID-19, self isolation, red zone, green zone, orange zone, yellow zone, school classes

The Cabinet of Ministers has banned attendance of schools in regions classified as coronavirus "green," "yellow," or "orange" zones if 50% of classes are in self-isolation.

The relevant decision was made at a government meeting on Wednesday, the Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"It will be prohibited to attend institutions of preschool, general secondary, out-of-school, and specialized art education in the territorial administrative units of a region in which a "green," "yellow," or "orange" level of epidemic danger is established if more than 50% of classes are sent into self-isolation because of contact with a patient with a confirmed case of Covid-19," Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said.

Besides, according to him, a complete ban on operation of institutions of preschool, general secondary, out-of-school, and specialized art education on the territory declared as a coronavirus "red" zone level of epidemic danger is established by a joint decision of state and regional technogenic and environmental safety and emergencies commissions.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the Cabinet of Ministers has changed the criterion for classifying regions as coronavirus "red" zones.


