China 2024-09-15T08:49:28+03:00
Ukrainian news
China strengthens punishment on domestic violence

China strengthens punishment on domestic violence

China, domestic violence, family, PRC, procuratorial organs
Two volunteers are using behavioral art to raise people's awareness of the domestic violence. Photo by Xinhua.
Two volunteers are using behavioral art to raise people's awareness of the domestic violence. Photo by Xinhua.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) has made public six typical cases involving domestic violence, demonstrating the determination of the country's procuratorial organs to punish family violence in accordance with the law, informed The Xinhua News Agency.

In one such case, a woman who had long suffered from her husband's abuse wounded him with a knife in self defense. After investigation, the procuratorial authority decided not to press charges against her.

Procuratorial organs have properly handled such cases through thorough investigation, and offered legal aid to relevant parties, among other efforts.

"Since China's law against domestic violence was enacted in 2016, public awareness of curbing family abuse has significantly increased", – said an SPP official.

"Today, domestic violence is regarded more as a crime rather than a mere family dispute by the public", – added the official.

By releasing typical cases, the SPP seeks to further publicize the law against domestic violence among the public, and improve procuratorial organs' capability of handling relevant lawsuits to better respond to the needs of the public.


