Politics 2024-08-15T07:03:41+03:00
Ukrainian news
NACB Receives Equipment To Fight Corruption From U.S. For UAH 2.1 Million In 2021

NACB Receives Equipment To Fight Corruption From U.S. For UAH 2.1 Million In 2021

USA, corruption, NACB, equipment

This year, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) received equipment to fight corruption from the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine worth UAH 2.1 million.

This is stated in the response of the NACB to the inquiry of Ukrainian News Agency.

Equipment for this amount was received within the framework of the international technical assistance project ‘Development of the capacity of newly created anti-corruption bodies in combating corruption of high-ranking officials in Ukraine’.

It concerns material assets in the amount of UAH 2,123,379.

In particular, the NACB received 70 laser designators from the United States, which were transferred to the Bureau on March 2.

At that, the NACB emphasizes that it did not receive any financial resources in national or foreign currency.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) believes that the work of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the National Anti-Corruption Agency in 2020 was disrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic and the decisions of the Constitutional Court.

Director of the NACB Artem Sytnyk says that thanks to the work of the NACB, UAH 1 billion has been returned to the state.

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