China 2024-09-15T08:09:25+03:00
Ukrainian news
Over 80 pct of Chinese peacekeepers deployed in Afirca

Over 80 pct of Chinese peacekeepers deployed in Afirca

China, peacekeepers, Africa, PRC, UN peacekeeping operation
Members of China's 5th peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan take a military exercise in South Sudan. Photo by Zhu Xiaonan/Xinhua.
Members of China's 5th peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan take a military exercise in South Sudan. Photo by Zhu Xiaonan/Xinhua.

More than 80% of Chinese peacekeepers have been deployed in Africa since China first took part in UN peacekeeping operations in 1990, according to a white paper published, The Xinhua News Agency reported.  

Over 30,000 Chinese peacekeepers have been sent to Africa to perform tasks in 17 peacekeeping mission areas, said the white paper titled "China and Africa in the New Era: A Partnership of Equals."

More than 1,800 peacekeepers are currently performing missions in five of these areas, namely Mali, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (the DRC), Abyei, South Sudan and Western Sahara, it added.


