Economy 2024-09-15T07:42:28+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ukraine Has Enough Reserves Of Products For Domestic Consumption - Agrarian Policy Ministry

Ukraine Has Enough Reserves Of Products For Domestic Consumption - Agrarian Policy Ministry

Russia, Ukraine, Russian aggression, harvest, products, grain, war with Russia, Russian invasion, products for domestic consumption

Ukraine has enough reserves of products for domestic consumption.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has said this in a statement, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Ukraine produces 5 times more products than its domestic consumption. As of today, we have enough reserves of products for our consumption. For example, wheat. Ukraine consumes 8 million tons a year. Now we have about 6 million tons. And in the summer there will already be a winter crop. We have a two-year supply of corn. We consume 7 million tons, and we have 15 million tons. We have sunflowerseed oil for another 5 years. Sugar is a one and a half year supply," said Taras Vysotskyi, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food.

He added that even if production stops, Ukraine now has everything it needs in a fairly large stock, since the country is an exporter, and exports have stopped.

He stressed that it is now important for manufacturers to continue working.

“Of course, there are some difficulties with logistics due to hostilities. But we are waiting. Everything will work out,” the First Deputy Minister is sure.

According to Vysotskyi, the 2022 sowing campaign has several components, but the most important is preparation, namely the purchase of fixed assets: mineral fertilizers, seeds, plant protection products, and fuel.

"Mineral fertilizers have already been purchased by 80%. This is enough to get above-average yields. Seeds by 75% are already in Ukraine. Plant protection products are available by 55%. We still have time to solve these small shortages before May-June. We are planning fuel receive by debugging transportation, changing directions," he added.

According to Vysotskyi, the 2022 sowing campaign will be the most difficult in the history of independent Ukraine.

"It will start later, given the long winter. We expect that the start will begin in the southern regions in about a week. Large-scale in Ukraine - after April 10. A week ago we announced the decision. In a fairly simple online form, each agricultural producer can submit to the Ministry information on the actual state of preparation for the sowing campaign and indicate the needs that he has. We help you connect with the relevant resource provider. We have to sow 15 million hectares; producers have already registered on 3 million hectares. We encourage everyone to join this initiative. This will help you coordinate. Everything will be fine," he said.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the sown area of ​​winter grains for the 2022 harvest increased by 5.5% or 0.4 million hectares to 7.7 million hectares compared to 2021.

In 2021, farmers harvested 106 million tons of grain, legumes and oilseeds, which is the largest figure in the history of the country's independence.


