Politics 2024-09-15T07:25:44+03:00
Ukrainian news
Putin Preparing Russians For War With NATO – Media

Putin Preparing Russians For War With NATO – Media

NATO, Russia, war, Putin, Vladimir Putin, war with Russia, Russia's war against Ukraine

According to experts, recent threats from Russian officials of retaliation against countries interfering in Ukraine's affairs may serve a dual purpose: warn Western countries, as well as enlist the support of Russian citizens in the event of a full-scale conflict with the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO). This is reported by the American edition of Newsweek on Monday, May 2.

Various experts said that Russian officials have increased the amount of threatening rhetoric to instill fear in NATO allies. Some experts also believe that this is an attempt to win the hearts and minds of the Russian public

“All this time, Russian internal propaganda has emphasized that Russia is not at war with Ukraine, but with NATO and the West. That behind every Ukrainian military success in this narrative is a NATO officer who tells the Ukrainian where, when and whom to shoot. This wording makes it easier explaining military casualties to a domestic audience. It also helps lay the political groundwork for a potential full wartime mobilization in Russia, which the regime has so far been reluctant to announce. And yes, it also creates political pressure to hit NATO targets, starting with supply lines," Yuri Zhukov, associate professor at the University of Michigan, told Newsweek.

Director of the Initiatives for Democracy organization and senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States Jonathan Katz said that Putin is using the scarecrow of NATO, the United States, to justify the actions he is taking against the population of Russia, and to build history on the fact that all this was launched by NATO and the United States.

As Ukrainian News Agency reported, on April 27, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced his readiness to respond to any outside interference in the situation in Ukraine, and also announced the availability of "tools" for this, which no one can boast of.

According to media reports, Putin wants to join the "DPR" and "LPR" to Russia, the relevant referendum may be held in May.

On April 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he was "forced to attack Ukraine by the tragedy in Donbas."


