Politics 2024-09-15T07:21:30+03:00
Ukrainian news
State Department Believes That Russian Federation Can Still Annex Luhansk And Donetsk Regions

State Department Believes That Russian Federation Can Still Annex Luhansk And Donetsk Regions

annexation, Donetsk region, Luhansk region, referendum, so-called referendum, pseudo-referendum

Russia can still hold "referendums" in Luhansk and Donetsk regions to annex them similar to the "Crimean scenario."

This was stated by U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price, CNN reports.

“They have sought to annex, they have sought to conduct sham elections to give their occupation this patina of legitimacy, and our concern remains that they will attempt to do so once again in territory in eastern Ukraine,” he said at a State Department briefing.

In the United States, it was already discussed about the plans of the Russian Federation to annex Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Citing intelligence, they talked about a "referendum" that could be held in mid-May. In addition, Russia allegedly wanted to create a "people's republic" in Kherson region.

Ned Price stated that “timeline wise, nothing has changed.”

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Ukraine will withdraw from negotiations with Russia if the invaders hold a "referendum" in Kherson.

At the same time, experts believe that the occupation authorities of the Russian Federation in Kherson region do not have "extras" to film the so-called "referendum" on the creation of the "Kherson People's Republic" in Kherson.


