Politics 2024-09-15T06:38:23+03:00
Ukrainian news
EU High Representative Borrell Considers Mobilization, Referendums And Nuclear Blackmail Serious Escalation

EU High Representative Borrell Considers Mobilization, Referendums And Nuclear Blackmail Serious Escalation

escalation, Josep Borrell, partial mobilization, European Union High Representative Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, partial mobilization in Russia

European Union High Representative Josep Borrell considers the announcement by Russian President Vladimir Putin of partial mobilization, support for fictitious referendums and nuclear blackmail a serious escalation.

Borrell wrote about this on Twitter, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

“Putin’s announcement of sham referenda, partial military mobilisation & nuclear blackmail are a grave escalation. Threatening with nuclear weapons is unacceptable & a real danger to all,” he wrote.

Borrell noted that the international community must unite to prevent such actions.

World peace is in jeopardy, he added.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on Wednesday morning Putin announced a partial mobilization, supported holding "referendums" in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and threatened to use nuclear weapons "while threatening Russia's territorial integrity."


