Politics 2024-09-15T05:49:30+03:00
Ukrainian news
UK Defence Secretary Wallace Says War In Ukraine Will Continue For At Least Another Year

UK Defence Secretary Wallace Says War In Ukraine Will Continue For At Least Another Year

ben wallace, Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom Ben Wallace

British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace believes that Russia's war against Ukraine will last at least another year.

Sky News announced this with reference to a statement by British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

When asked by a journalist "whether we could see the war between Ukraine and Russia still going in another 12 months," Wallace answered "I think we will."

The British Defence Secretary noted that Russia showed complete disregard not only for the lives of Ukrainians, but also for the lives of its own soldiers.

He added that more than 188,000 Russian soldiers died or were injured as a result of the "catastrophic miscalculation" of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Wallace is convinced that Putin is not going to stop.

"When someone has crossed the line and thinks it is OK to do that to your own people, running effectively a meat grinder for an army, I think he is not going to stop," Wallace added.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Wallace said that Russia's "big" offensive in Ukraine is advancing by meters, not kilometers, at the cost of thousands of lives of the Russian military.


