Politics 2024-09-15T04:46:36+03:00
Ukrainian news
PACE urges to recognize deportation of Ukrainian children by russia as genocide

PACE urges to recognize deportation of Ukrainian children by russia as genocide

PACE, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia, illegal deportation of Ukrainian children, deportation of Ukrainian children

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has adopted the resolution ‘Situation of Ukrainian Children’, which called on member countries to recognize the deportation of Ukrainian children by the aggressor state of russia as genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Member of Parliament, president of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons in PACE Oleksii Honcharenko announced this on Thursday, January 25.

"Adopted unanimously! An important document that is another step towards punishment and accountability for the crimes of russians against Ukrainians. Kidnapping of our children, illegal deportation, as well as adoption into Russian families is the forced destruction of Ukrainian identity," Honcharenko said.

The resolution also called on member states to continue to provide all the necessary to Ukrainian refugees with children. In addition, the document takes into account the amendment on the preservation of assistance to internal immigrants in Ukraine, Honcharenko noted.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in October 2023, PACE called on the international community not to recognize the legitimacy of the president of the terrorist country of the russian federation vladimir putin after the end of his presidential term in March 2024.

Also in October, PACE recognized russia as a dictatorship, and russian president putin as a dictator.

Recall that in January 2023, PACE supported a resolution on the creation of an international tribunal over the military-political leadership of russia and Belarus.


