Politics 2024-09-15T04:46:09+03:00
Ukrainian news
White House working on long-term strategy to support Ukraine

White House working on long-term strategy to support Ukraine

US aid for Ukraine, financial assistance to Ukraine, US military assistance, US military aid, US aid to Ukraine
US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: Depositphotos
US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: Depositphotos

The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden is developing a new strategy for helping Ukraine, which will focus not on recapturing the territories occupied by russia, but on repelling new russian offensives, as well as long-term prospects - strengthening the armed forces and economy.

This is stated in the material of The Washington Post, citing sources.

The publication notes that Washington is developing "a new strategy that will de-emphasize winning back territory and focus instead on helping Ukraine fend off new Russian advances while moving toward a long-term goal of strengthening its fighting force and economy.”

According to one of the sources, the idea is to position Ukraine as holding its position on the battlefield for now, but "put them on a different trajectory to be much stronger by the end of 2024 ... and get them on a more sustainable path."

The U.S. plans are part of a multilateral effort by nearly three dozen countries that support Ukraine, promising it long-term security and economic support - both out of necessity, given "the disappointing results of last year’s counteroffensive and the conviction that a similar effort this year would likely bring the same outcome, and as a demonstration of enduring resolve to Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

Each party shall prepare a document outlining its specific obligations for up to ten years in the future.

But, the publication notes, the success of the strategy depends almost entirely on the United States, which today is the largest donor to Ukraine - in terms of money and equipment, and it (the United States - Ed.) is the coordinator of multilateral efforts.

According to The Washington Post, this spring, the Joe Biden administration is hoping to unveil its own 10-year commitments to be drawn up by the Department of State and the White House - provided that President Biden's request for additional USD 61 billion in Ukraine funding is approved by Congress.

The shaky ground on which this assumption is currently based - and House Republicans seem to be digging deeper, denying money - is worrying both Western allies and Ukraine itself.

According to U.S. officials, the document will guarantee support for short-term military operations, as well as the development of future Ukrainian Armed Forces capable of deterring russian aggression.

It will contain specific commitments and programs that will help protect, restore and expand the industrial and export bases of Ukraine, as well as contribute to the implementation of political reforms necessary for full integration into Western institutions.

It is no coincidence, the U.S. official said, that the long-term pledge - again provided congressional support - would also be a promising aid for Ukraine in case former President Donald Trump is re-elected to a second term.

The publication also notes that the West hopes that in 2024 Ukraine will not lose more territory than one fifth of the country, which is now occupied by russia. In addition, Western governments want Kyiv to focus on tactics in which its troops have recently done better - shelling over long distances.

In conversations with lawmakers, administration officials emphasized that only about half of the requested USD 61 billion is for ongoing fighting, while the rest is for helping Ukraine undergird a secure future without massive Western aid.

The document on U.S. assistance, according to American officials directly involved in its planning, consists of four phases: fight, build, recover and reform.

The plan also provides for additional air defense to create protective "bubbles" around Ukrainian cities outside Kyiv and Odesa, which will restore key sectors of the Ukrainian economy.


