Politics 2024-09-15T04:35:28+03:00
Ukrainian news
Invaders drop more than 3,500 aerial bombs since beginning of this year - Havryliuk

Invaders drop more than 3,500 aerial bombs since beginning of this year - Havryliuk

Russian guided aerial bombs, aerial bombs

The aviation of the russian occupation army has dropped more than 3,500 aerial bombs on the positions of the Defense Forces of Ukraine since the beginning of this year.

Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk wrote about this in an article published on the Ukrinform website.

According to him, russian aviation now dominates the air. The occupiers actively use fighters to target the positions of the Ukrainian military and frontline settlements.

Havryliuk emphasized that in 77 days since the beginning of this year, the invaders dropped more than 3,500 aerial bombs. This is 16 times more than last year.

He noted that multifunctional American F-16 fighters have to reverse the dominance of russian aircraft in the sky.

"But now the situation is such that we do not yet have F-16, and the stocks of ammunition of certain nomenclatures are falling to critical levels. These and other factors make it difficult for the Defense Forces of Ukraine to perform tasks to repel the aggressor," Havryliuk said in the article.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, experts interviewed by Forbes said that the battle for Avdiivka showed the russians the effectiveness of mass use of aerial bombs to destroy Ukrainian fortifications.

Experts believe that now we should expect a repeat of the use of this tactic in other areas of the front.

We also reported that during the recent bombing of the city of Myrnohrad in the Donetsk Region, the occupiers used a new type of aerial bombs.

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