China 2024-09-15T04:31:44+03:00
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Birth-defect prevention reduces newborn fatalities in China

Birth-defect prevention reduces newborn fatalities in China

China, public health, medicines, PRC, Xinhua, Birth-defect prevention
A newborn baby is seen with the mother and sister at a hospital in Wuxi, east China's Jiangsu Province. Photo by Zhu Jipeng/Xinhua.
A newborn baby is seen with the mother and sister at a hospital in Wuxi, east China's Jiangsu Province. Photo by Zhu Jipeng/Xinhua.

The rate of infant mortality caused by birth defects in China has dropped by more than 30 percent over the past five years, according to China's National Health Commission.

This was reported by The Xinhua News Agency.

During this same period, the occurrence of severe birth defects, including neural tube defect and Down syndrome, has recorded a reduction of 23 percent, said Shen Haiping, an official with the commission.

Shen added that the pre-pregnancy physical examination rate in China has reached 91.8 percent, while the prenatal screening test rate is 88.7 percent.

Regarding further efforts to detect, prevent and treat birth defects, Shen said the commission will advance the implementation of the 2023-2027 work plan on efficient prevention and control of birth defects, and accelerate the construction of a prevention and treatment chain that covers all phases from prenatal examinations to pediatric healthcare.


