Politics 2024-09-15T04:31:48+03:00
Ukrainian news
We must realize that no one will be able to sit out - AFU Ground Forces Commander Pavliuk

We must realize that no one will be able to sit out - AFU Ground Forces Commander Pavliuk

mobilization, Oleksandr Pavliuk, territorial recruitment and social support centers, military commissariats, law on mobilization, bill on mobilization

The commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Pavliuk, called on Ukrainians to leave their emotions behind, not to succumb to provocations, and to realize that no one will succeed in sitting out.

Pavliuk wrote about this on Facebook, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"The more Ukrainians find the courage to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the less chance russia will have to implement its bloodthirsty plans. And the sooner Ukrainian cities will return to a normal, safe life. Therefore, I urge Ukrainians to leave their emotions behind, not to succumb to provocations. We must realize that no one will be able to sit out. After all, the fate of the country, the fate of our nation is at stake. Russia will not leave anyone alone: neither those who hid nor those who betrayed Ukraine. Now is the historical moment given to us by fate: either we will protect and preserve state, or we will disappear as a nation!" he emphasized.

Pavliuk noted that the current military situation is not easy, but it is much more predictable and controllable than it was at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia.

In particular, he noted that now the Armed Forces of Ukraine have Western weapons, the military leadership of Ukraine knows and understands the plans of the enemy, the Armed Forces have talented and experienced commanders and are now striking military targets a thousand kilometers from the contact line with their own military technologies.

"But no matter how much help we receive, no matter how many weapons we have - we lack people! The equipment does not drive by itself, the weapons do not shoot by themselves, the drone does not fly by itself. The units must be updated!" he emphasized.

Pavliuk noted that now russian propagandists have made many people believe that mobilization is not about protecting one's state from an aggressor, but about injustice and rights violations.

"I understand the desire of people to live a peaceful life, to travel, to build a career. But there is an objective reality: russia denies us the right to exist. The enemy understands only the language of force. We must force it to get out of our land. If we don't do it, there will be no peaceful life, no rights and freedoms at all. Look at russia itself, at the temporarily occupied territories," he wrote.

Pavliuk emphasized that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are the only force capable of stopping and destroying the enemy.

At the same time, he considers it unacceptable the disdainful attitude of citizens towards the employees of military commissariats (territorial recruitment and social support centers) where today most of the employees are yesterday's soldiers.

"How did society allow them to fear the military, allow themselves to insult them? Today, most of the employees of the military commissariats are yesterday's soldiers, whom everyone admired and were proud of. What happened? Why do they hide from them today, why do they allow themselves to despise them, arrange harassment and even fights? This is unacceptable!" he emphasized.

Pavliuk admitted that the territorial recruitment and social support centers system is not perfect, but noted that the military leadership is working on its improvement.

"Law enforcement agencies respond promptly to all cases of exceeding the powers of the Ground Forces Command. We will not put up with the violation of the rights of civilians, but we will not allow the violation of the rights of the military either," he emphasized.

He also noted that all those deemed fit for service, without exception, are sent to training centers, basic military training lasts a month, which meets the standards of NATO partner countries. Pavliuk added that an experiment is already being implemented to extend basic military training to two months.

"Yes, not everything is perfect in the training system. But we respond to all problems and challenges. Our ability to prepare recruits for effective combat operations is no worse than that of most other armies," he noted.

Pavliuk also assured that for the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, every serviceman is the highest priority, and this has been communicated to all commanders.

The commander of the Ground Forces called on Ukrainians to support the defenders in word and deed, to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to defend their family, their home, their country, and their future.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy criticized the members of the Verkhovna Rada, who are delaying the adoption of the government bill on mobilization and are trying to remove from it all the norms that cause a public outcry.

Zelenskyy believes that the russians, thanks to propaganda, managed to raise doubts among their Western partners about the continuation of assistance to Ukraine in repelling russian aggression due to the delay of the Verkhovna Rada in passing the law on mobilization.


