Politics 2024-09-15T04:25:59+03:00
Ukrainian news
At least a few thousand. Arakhamia on how many prisoners will be mobilized

At least a few thousand. Arakhamia on how many prisoners will be mobilized

mobilization, mobilization of volunteer fighters, mobilization In Ukraine, general mobilization in Ukraine, recruitment of prisoners, mobilization of prisoners

The head of the Servant of the People faction in the Verkhovna Rada, David Arakhamia, predicts the mobilization of several thousand prisoners due to the adoption of the relevant bill.

He told reporters about this, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"We are guided that this will be no less than a few thousand people," thus he commented on the number of prisoners who will want to mobilize.

At the same time, he said that the total resource for the mobilization of convicts is 15-20 thousand people, but it is not known how many of them will definitely want to sign a contract with the army.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the Verkhovna Rada allowed parole for convicts to be used for military service under a contract during martial law.

According to the decision, during the mobilization and/or action of martial law, persons serving sentences in the form of restriction of liberty or imprisonment can be granted parole for their military service under a contract.

If a court applies parole for military service, such a person is released on parole from serving only the main sentence of restriction of liberty or imprisonment.


