Politics 2024-09-15T04:25:48+03:00
Ukrainian news
Stefanchuk hopes new ministers to be appointed in near future

Stefanchuk hopes new ministers to be appointed in near future

Cabinet of Ministers, parliament, government, appointment, Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk hopes new ministers to be appointed in the near future.

He told Ukrainian News Agency about this.

"I really hope that in the near future the government will receive all worthy dignitaries for these posts," Stefanchuk answered the question of whether new ministers will be appointed in May.

The head of the parliament will expect a submission on the new ministers from the Servant of the People faction.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the Rada dismissed Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Solskyi and Deputy Prime Minister for the Restoration of Ukraine - Minister of the Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov.

On April 26, a bail of UAH 75.7 million was made for the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Solskyi, he was released from custody.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau suspects Solskyi of appropriating state lands worth almost UAH 300 million and trying to take possession of land for another UAH 190 million.

On April 25, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Solskyi wrote a letter of resignation.

Oleksandr Kubrakov said that the decision on his dismissal was not previously discussed with him.


