War in Ukraine 2024-09-15T04:22:26+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russians strengthening railway protection due to constant sabotage - National Resistance Center

Russians strengthening railway protection due to constant sabotage - National Resistance Center

railway, sabotage, sabotage activities, partisans, Ukrainian partisans, security measures, rail partisans

The russian occupiers began to tighten security measures on the railway in connection with constant sabotage.

It was reported by the National Resistance Center.

The Russian occupiers are strengthening the protection of the railway through constant sabotage. The enemy is actively installing additional security measures and video surveillance equipment along the railway tracks in the South of Ukraine.

It is indicated that everything is aimed at strengthening security measures, and even in the technical sector, operatives are constantly on duty. In addition, the stations have introduced an enhanced mode of service, with special attention to the control of photos and video recordings. Both freight and passenger trains are checked.

"The Ukrainian underground in the occupied territories is very active in resisting. It is known that more than one enemy freight train was blown up, which was taking ore, grain and damaged equipment from the occupied territories of Ukraine," the department emphasizes.

The National Resistance Center called to provide information about the enemy, collaborators and the location of enemy positions, its equipment.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, the aggressor state russia is preparing to launch a railway line that should connect the temporarily occupied Donetsk and Mariupol of the Donetsk Region.

Meanwhile, in the temporarily occupied Crimea, the russians began to restore non-functioning airfields - they carry out repairs and transfer equipment and people.


