Economy 2024-09-15T04:22:19+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russia's applications for gas transit to Europe via Ukraine stable during week

Russia's applications for gas transit to Europe via Ukraine stable during week

gas transit, Russian gas, gas transit to Euriope, gas transit through Ukraine, transit of Russian gas

Applications for pumping russian gas to Europe through Ukraine during this week were generally characterized by stability.

Such indicators were provided by representatives of the hydrocarbon monopolist of the terrorist country of the russian federation, Gazprom, Reuters reports.

Thus, during the seven-day working week, moscow exhibited 42.4 million cubic meters per day for transportation.

It should be noted that in May 2022, Ukraine stopped receiving transit gas through the Sokhranivka station, citing force majeure and offering to transfer all transit volumes to Sudzha.

In September 2022, pumping through the main route of russian gas supply to Europe – the Nord Stream pipeline – was completely stopped.

The transit of russian gas through Poland to Germany via the Yamal-Europe pipeline, which carried up to 15% of Gazprom's export supplies to Europe and Türkiye, was suspended in 2022 following retaliatory russian sanctions against the pipeline's Polish owner.

According to the data of the operator of the GTS of Ukraine, in 2023 the transit of russian gas through Ukraine decreased by 28.5% to 14.65 billion cubic meters from 20.5 billion cubic meters in 2022.


