Economy 2024-09-15T04:15:17+03:00
Ukrainian news
Poland ready to supply electricity to Ukraine from its TPPs, but puts forward conditions

Poland ready to supply electricity to Ukraine from its TPPs, but puts forward conditions

energy, Poland, ecology, war in Ukraine, electricity supply, power system of Ukraine

Poland turned to the European Commission with a proposal to supply Ukraine with electricity produced from Polish coal.

This is reported by the PAP press agency.

European Commission spokesman Tim McPhie told reporters that the Polish authorities had requested a meeting to discuss this issue. Poland is ready to supply electricity if it will not pay for emissions.

He explained that electricity produced by power plants in the EU and delivered to Ukraine falls under the usual rules of the Emissions Trading System (ETS): power plants must buy quotas and pay for these emissions.

According to the spokesman, the EU wants to support Ukraine's energy system during the coming winter, but does not want to speculate on the Polish idea, as it does not know the details. He added that there are countries in the EU that have decided to support Ukraine by supplying coal for its power plants.

The idea of ​​producing electricity for Ukraine at its own coal-fired power plants was previously put forward by the Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk. He also assured that he would encourage European partners to look for "creative solutions" and any opportunities to help Ukraine.


