War in Ukraine 2024-09-15T04:12:40+03:00
Ukrainian news
China wants to play peacemaker in Ukraine before US election - Bloomberg

China wants to play peacemaker in Ukraine before US election - Bloomberg

China, XI Jinping, peace talks, end of war in Ukraine, end of war, peace negotiations, peace in Ukraine

Chinese President Xi Jinping is stepping up efforts to position himself as a peacemaker to end russia's war in Ukraine. Such activity is due to a possible change in U.S. policy after the presidential election.

This is stated in the material of the Bloomberg agency.

China's growing activitydemonstrates Xi Jinping's desire for a greater diplomatic role at a time when Ukraine and Europe are preparing for sharp changes in U.S. foreign policy after the presidential election. Republican candidate Donald Trump promised to end the war in Ukraine "within 24 hours", and his vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, criticized Kyiv's support, Bloomberg reports. According to Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center, China has not changed its position, but sees a window to establish itself as a more powerful player.

"China is positioning itself for later rounds of talks… Departing President Joe Biden could also seek a deal to secure his foreign policy legacy. Beijing wants its own share of the success and to position itself to play a constructive role and be celebrated for that," it is stated in the article.

Xi Jinping is working to strengthen his peacekeeping powers in regions where the U.S. has traditionally played a larger role. All this is happening as the world's largest economies vie for global influence, and this mission has brought China and russia together.

Wang Yiwei, professor of international relations at Renmin University, believes that China will play a more important role in peace talks not only in the Middle East and Ukraine, but also in the whole world. However, Ja Ian Chong, an associate professor of political science at the National University of Singapore, noted that it is unclear whether Beijing is willing or able to try to provide guarantees that russia will stop its aggression: "Right now, the optics suggest Beijing is using Ukraine for its own purposes rather than offering any practical steps toward peace," he added.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, on July 24, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said he believes that the settlement of the "conflict in Ukraine" should take place at the negotiating table, but the conditions and time are not yet ripe.

On July 24, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, during his visit to China, stated that a just peace in Ukraine corresponds to China's strategic interests.

On June 7, Kuleba announced that Ukraine is conducting an exchange of views with China regarding the relationship between the Ukrainian Peace Formula and the Chinese vision of peace.


