Economy 2024-09-15T04:11:55+03:00
Ukrainian news
Tenders for consultations and supervision of Okhmatdyt hospital repair will be canceled and new ones will be

Tenders for consultations and supervision of Okhmatdyt hospital repair will be canceled and new ones will be held - Liashko

tender, Ministry of Health, Minister of Health, Viktor Liashko, Okhmatdyt

The tenders of the Okhmatdyt national specialized children's hospital for consultations and supervision of the repair of the facade and interior of the building, which was damaged on July 8 as a result of a russian missile attack, will be canceled.

Minister of Health Viktor Liashko announced this on his Facebook page, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

"Considering the fact that a new tender for repair works will be announced at Prozorro, after its completion, it will be possible to announce new tenders for technical supervision services and engineering consulting services for the execution of construction works. After all, according to the instruction on determining the cost of construction, approved by order of the Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure, the cost of technical supervision and engineering consulting services is determined within percentage values ​​of the expected cost of construction works," he wrote.

Accordingly, according to Liashko, no contracts will be concluded under the tenders previously announced by Okhmatdyt for technical supervision of construction works in the amount of UAH 5.215 million and engineering consulting services in the amount of UAH 9.350 million.

Currently, work is underway to create a council for the restoration of the hospital, in particular, it will include representatives of the largest donors, representatives of Okhmatdyt, the Ministry of Health, the patient community, anti-corruption organizations, and professional associations.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, Okhmatdyt planned to spend UAH 14.565 million for consultations and supervision of repairs.

The tender for the reconstruction of the building of Okhmatdyt will be - through the ProZorro system.

On August 1, the Okhmatdyt - Healthy Childhood charitable foundation announced the winner of the tender for the reconstruction of the hospital.

It was Bud-Technology LLC, a little-known company with inflated prices.

It was the third most expensive offer from construction companies with an offer amounting to UAH 307 million.

Among the proposals that were not chosen were those that agreed to rebuild the hospital for amounts from UAH 42 to UAH 286 million.


