Politics 2024-09-15T08:40:23+03:00
Ukrainian news
NACB Investigating Ukrainian And Russian Officials Suspected Of Appropriating Part Of PrykarpatZakhidtrans Oil

NACB Investigating Ukrainian And Russian Officials Suspected Of Appropriating Part Of PrykarpatZakhidtrans Oil Product Pipeline

NACB, criminal proceedings, suspicion, PrykarpatZakhidtrans, oil product pipeline

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) has launched criminal proceedings against Ukrainian and Russian officials on suspicion of appropriating a section of the PrykarpatZakhidtrans oil product pipeline.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau announced this in a statement in response to an information request from the Ukrainian News Agency.

"A pre-trial investigation is being conducted on suspicion of appropriation of state property, namely part of the [PrykarpatZakhidtrans oil product pipeline] together with all the associated buildings, structures, other facilities, as well as and facilities located on the territory of Ukraine intentionally, illegally, and in violation of Ukrainian legal acts by officials of the LLC … together with Ukrainian and Russian officials in the period from August 24, 1991 to the present day," the statement said.

The case is being investigated under Article 191 (misappropriation, embezzlement of property) and Article 368 (obtaining unlawful benefits) of the Criminal Code.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau did not specify when the case was opened.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the High Anti-Corruption Court has seized part of the PrykarpatZakhidtrans oil product pipeline.

The National Agency for Identifying, Tracing, and Managing Assets Linked to Corruption and other Crimes (Asset Recovery Agency) has selected the Ukrtransnafta company, the operator of Ukraine’s oil transportation system, as the winner of the competition for the right to manage part of the PrykarpatZakhidtrans oil product pipeline.

Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova has signed a notification of suspicion that Member of Parliament Viktor Medvedchuk (Opposition Platform – For Life faction) and Member of Parliament Taras Kozak committed high treason and attempted to plunder national resources in the Crimea.


