Politics 2024-09-15T06:55:48+03:00
Ukrainian news
Investigation Considering One Of Versions Of Death Of Nibulon Owner Vadaturskyi To Be Targeted Murder - Kostin

Investigation Considering One Of Versions Of Death Of Nibulon Owner Vadaturskyi To Be Targeted Murder - Kostin

war, Russian aggression, Nibulon, Mykolaiv region, war with Russia, Russian invasion, Russia's war against Ukraine, shelling of Mykolaiv region, Oleksii Vadaturskyi, death of Vadaturskyi

The investigation is considering a targeted murder one of the versions of the death of the owner of the largest grain trading company Nibulon, Oleksii Vadaturskyi.

Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin announced this during a national telethon, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"One of the versions of the investigation is the targeted killing of Vadaturskyi and his family," he said.

The Prosecutor General recalled that following one of the most brutal shelling of Mykolaiv region, which was carried out by the troops of the aggressor country on Sunday, the Mykolaiv Regional Prosecutor's Office immediately launched a pre-trial investigation into the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Kostin also reported that a significant amount of investigative and procedural actions had already been carried out during the day.

In particular, an inspection of the scene was conducted with the involvement of explosives technicians, a number of examinations were ordered, and more than 50 people were questioned.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Zelenskyy believes that the death of agrarian Vadaturskyi in Mykolaiv region was not accidental.

Hero of Ukraine and a well-known businessman, owner of the largest grain trading company Nibulon, Oleksii Vadaturskyi, was killed during the mass shelling of Mykolaiv that night.


