Economy 2024-09-15T06:38:25+03:00
Ukrainian news
Collapse In Russian Stock Market Accelerates After Mobilization Announced By Putin

Collapse In Russian Stock Market Accelerates After Mobilization Announced By Putin

shares, stock exchange, partial mobilization, military mobilization, mobilization in Russia, mobilization of military, partial mobilization in Russia

At the beginning of trading on Wednesday, September 21, the stock market of the Russian Federation continued its collapse. The Moscow Exchange index fell 7.4%, the RTS index fell 9.7%.

This is evidenced by the exchange data.

According to Real Time, the stock market is declining amid an appeal by Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, in which he announced the beginning of partial mobilization.

So, for example, trading on Yandex shares yesterday closed at around RUB 2,010, and today their price fell sharply to the level of RUB 1,731.2. The drop was about 13%.

A slightly smaller decline - by 7.38% - occurred in Gazprom shares. At the beginning of trading, securities of this company fell to RUB 204.69, while yesterday they close at RUB 221.15.

A similar decline - by 7.63% - is observed in Sberbank shares. At the beginning of trading on September 21, the shares were worth about RUB 115.79.

Tatneft shares also lost just over 7.5% in value. At the opening, the cost of securities fell to the level of RUB 383.7.

At the same time, for the first time since August 9, the Moscow Exchange index fell below 2,100 points.

The Russian stock market "sank" the day before after reports of "referendums" and the appearance of "mobilization" and "wartime" in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Securities on the Moscow Exchange fell sharply in the afternoon of September 20, Meduza reported.

By 3.12 p.m. local time, the Moscow Exchange index fell 7.54% to 2247.2 points, the RTS index, which is the main indicator of the Russian stock market, fell 7.44% to 1177.99 points.

The publication notes that the fall of the Russian exchange occurred after collaborators announced the holding of pseudo-referendums in the territories of Ukraine occupied by Russia, as well as after the introduction of amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provide for the emergence of the concepts of "mobilization" and "wartime."

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on Wednesday morning, September 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization. Putin made such a statement during an appeal to the Russians.

Also, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law on the introduction of the concepts of "mobilization" and "martial law" into the Criminal Code of Russia.


