Economy 2024-09-15T05:37:47+03:00
Ukrainian news
GDP Down 29.1% In 2022 - State Statistics Service

GDP Down 29.1% In 2022 - State Statistics Service

war, Ukraine, GDP, gross domestic product, GDP decline, real gross domestic product, war in Ukraine

In 2022, real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 29.1% compared to 2021. This is stated in the message of the State Statistics Service, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

At the same time, according to updated data, GDP decreased by 14.9% in the first quarter, by 36.9% in the second quarter, by 30.6% in the third quarter, and by 31% in the fourth quarter.

The State Statistics Service clarifies the indicators of the real gross domestic product during the year.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in January 2023, the Ministry of Economy preliminarily estimated the fall in Ukraine's GDP in 2022 at the level of 30.4%.

The state budget for 2022 was developed based on the macroeconomic forecast, which predicts real GDP growth by 3.8%. However, in connection with Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine, the decline of the domestic economy, according to international organizations, was predicted at the level of 30% to 45%.

In 2021, GDP increased by 3.4%.

The National Bank expects a slight increase in real GDP in 2023 - by 0.3%.

The state budget for 2023, approved by the Verkhovna Rada in November 2022, foresees GDP growth by 3.2%.


