Politics 2024-09-15T05:34:32+03:00
Ukrainian news
Ukrspecexport ups income 44 times in Q1

Ukrspecexport ups income 44 times in Q1

income, q1, Ukrspecexport

In the first quarter of 2023, the state-owned company for exporting and importing military and special purpose products and services, Ukrspecexport, in accordance with international financial reporting standards, reduced its net profit 2.1 times, or by UAH 21.418 million year over year, to UAH 19.821 million.

This follows from a statement by the enterprise, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

At the same time, in the first quarter, the company boosted its net income 44 times, or by UAH 5.4 billion year over year, to UAH 5.507 billion.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, in 2022, Ukrspecexport reduced its profit 2.5 times to UAH 49.9 million and increased its net income 12 times year over year, to UAH 24.174 billion.

In March 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine transferred Ukrspecexport, Prohres, and Spetstechnoexport from the management of the Ukroboronprom state concern under the control of the Ministry of Defense for the period of martial law.


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