Events 2024-09-15T05:22:22+03:00
Ukrainian news
Unknown persons blow up railway in Crimea

Unknown persons blow up railway in Crimea

Crimea, war with Russia, war in Ukraine, Russian occupiers, Russia's war against Ukraine, undermining of railway

Trains in the temporarily occupied Crimea are being delayed due to undermining of a railway track. Mash and ChP.Krym Telegram channels report this on Tuesday, June 27.

Russian resources write that more than four trains are delayed due to the undermining of the railway on the Vladyslavivka-Petrove section in the Kirovskyi district of Crimea, or, as the local occupation authorities called the event, "damage" to the track. They promise to repair the track in 4-8 hours. Currently, the "operational headquarters" is working at the scene of the incident and is assessing the situation. At the same time, the resources of the aggressor country do not publish photos or videos of the railway track.

The so-called "head" of the temporarily occupied Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, also announced the "damage" of the railway track and the delay of trains and urged to trust "only official information". His adviser, Oleg Kryuchkov, reported that restoration work is underway at the "accident" site.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on the morning of June 21, the so-called "head" of the temporarily occupied Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, announced the damage to the railway track in the Feodosia area.

On May 18, an explosion occurred on the railway in the occupied Crimea, as a result of which wagons with grain derailed.

On June 20, the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksii Danilov called on Russians to leave Crimea as soon as possible and return to the territory of the aggressor state of the Russian Federation through the Kerch Bridge.


