Politics 2024-09-15T05:11:47+03:00
Ukrainian news
Occupiers stealing Ukrainian black soil - Defense Intelligence

Occupiers stealing Ukrainian black soil - Defense Intelligence

Russian occupiers, Russian invaders, black soil

The invaders from the aggressor state of the russian federation steal fertile Ukrainian black soil.

The representative of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andrii Yusov told Ukrainian News Agency about this in an interview.

"The occupiers steal agricultural equipment, forest and Ukrainian soil. There are indeed such cases and there are no stops for war criminals," he said.

How much Ukrainian soil was stolen by the invaders, the representative of the Defense Intelligence did not specify.

Yusov also said that the occupiers continue the policy of assimilation of Ukrainian children who are kidnapped in the occupied territories.

"This is a purposeful policy that is part of the genocide of the Ukrainian people by russia and the purpose of this policy is to change the identity of Ukrainian children and forcibly assimilate them and connect to another social group, which is a direct sign that this war is precisely a genocide of the Ukrainian people. It's not actually selling as a benefit," he added.

Yusov noted that it is also necessary to separately investigate cases of sale of Ukrainian children.

"I think these cases also need to be investigated. The main task of the invaders is to tear them out of Ukrainian society, erase identity and not allow them to form like Ukrainians," the representative of the Defense Intelligence emphasized.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the occupiers continue to steal resources from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Russian stores sell "fertile Ukrainian black soil" in bags.

In the Zaporizhzhia Region, russians export ore.

In the Luhansk Region, russian occupiers remove stone monuments from graves and grind inscriptions. The stolen plates are inscribed with the names of the slain invaders.

In addition to grain, the occupiers export cabbage, beets and potatoes stolen in Ukraine to russia.

Больше новостей о: Russian occupiers Russian invaders black soil

