Politics 2024-09-15T04:53:05+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russians in occupied territories preparing teenagers for mobilization through pseudopatriotic centers - Natio

Russians in occupied territories preparing teenagers for mobilization through pseudopatriotic centers - National Resistance Center

forced mobilization, forced mobilization of young people, illegal mobilization, mobilization in occupied territories

In temporarily occupied Luhansk, russian invaders begin work of the russian special training center Voin (warrior), where teenagers are prepared for future mobilization.

This was reported by the National Resistance Center.

Thus, the russian special training center Voin will begin work in temporarily occupied Luhansk. It is noted that the opening of the branch in Luhansk is personally carried out by the director of the organization Oleksandr Zaitsev.

"The organization is already fulfilling the tasks of the ministry of defense of the russian federation on recruiting and preparing young people for further service in the russian army. In particular, teenagers are taught the basics of shooting, working with UAVs, communications and EW," the report said.

It is indicated that this direction is overseen by the member of the russian state duma, Viktor Vodolatsky.

It is reported that, according to the plan of the invaders, children aged 14 and over will be sent for military training. And from the age of 16, immediately prepare for mobilization, which is a gross violation of Article 51 of the Geneva Convention.

"The National Resistance Center has gained access to the list of all persons involved in the deployment of such centers," the National Resistance Center informs.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in the temporarily occupied Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia Region, russian occupiers began to bring summons to public utilities to mobilize employees.

Meanwhile, in the occupied territories of the Donetsk Region, "police" visit schools and threaten children for the so-called "extremism." 


