Politics 2024-09-15T04:48:50+03:00
Ukrainian news
Court arrests property of Lviv businessman Hrynkevych

Court arrests property of Lviv businessman Hrynkevych

court, Ministry of Defense, tender, SBI, arrest of property, state procurements, Ihor Hrynkevych

On the initiative of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), the property of the family and controlled campaigns of the Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevych, one of the largest suppliers of the Ministry of Defense, who tried to bribe the investigator of the bureau, were arrested.

Ukrainian News Agency was informed about this by the SBI, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

As part of the investigation into the fact of the supply of goods for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, searches were conducted at the businessmen's residence and work addresses, as well as at the addresses of the directors and offices and companies under his control.

In order to ensure compensation for the losses caused, arrests were imposed on real estate, premium vehicles owned by the businessman's family, as well as on the property and accounts of companies controlled by him.

The opinion of the experts was received, according to which it was established that all the products supplied by the businessman's companies for the needs of the Ministry of Defense in 2023 do not meet the quality characteristics and are impossible for the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use.

A few months ago, the SBI initiated criminal proceedings on the fact of the schemes for procurement of clothes and underwear for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Lviv businessman's companies won 23 tenders for the supply of clothing to the Ministry of Defense for over UAH 1.5 billion.

During the investigation, it was established that enterprises under the control of the businessman, which were previously engaged in construction and did not have adequate production, warehouse and other capacities for the production and storage of tangible property for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, were involved in the execution of defense orders.

This led to budget losses according to preliminary estimates of UAH 1.2 billion and, accordingly, disruption of supply.

Law enforcement officers discovered complete non-fulfillment of 6 contracts.

Under at least 7 contracts, the enterprises delivered goods to the warehouses of military units only in small quantities, but received state funds for full fulfillment of obligations.

Also, it was established that 8 contracts were executed 3 to 5 months late.

The analysis of foreign economic contacts and customs documents of the specified enterprises revealed facts of overestimation of the cost of goods supplied to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The involvement of former officials of the Ministry of Defense, who did not take any legal actions to ensure the fulfillment or termination of contracts, is being checked.

According to preliminary estimates, the amount of damages may reach more than UAH 1 billion.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the scandal with Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevych, who is called one of the largest suppliers of the Ministry of Defense, is gaining momentum. On December 29, he was detained for trying to bribe one of the heads of the SBI with a bribe of USD 500,000.

The SBI caught the suspects who took possession of 5 hectares of land belonging to the Kyiv HEPP.


