Politics 2024-09-15T04:41:05+03:00
Ukrainian news
Idea of serving summonses by policemen does not correspond to European legislation - scientific and expert con

Idea of serving summonses by policemen does not correspond to European legislation - scientific and expert conclusion

Verkhovna Rada, national police, bill on mobilization, serving of summonses

The Main Scientific and Expert Directorate of the Verkhovna Rada believes that the serving of summonses by the policemen does not seem possible given the need to adapt Ukrainian legislation to European legislation.

This is stated in the scientific and expert opinion, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"...distribution to police of duties related to the notification of conscripts and reservists during mobilization (provided there is no established fact that a reservist or conscript has committed an offense), subject to the existing legislative framework in this area and subject to the need for adaptation Ukrainian legislation to European legislation does not seem possible," the conclusion states.

According to experts, the statement that "bodies and units that are part of the police system take part in the implementation of measures to notify conscripts and reservists together with representatives of territorial recruitment and social support centers" needs clarification.

Experts believe that the powers of the police are civil, not military in nature, they perform, first of all, service functions, on the other hand, the notification of conscripts and reservists is directly related to mobilization, as a set of measures for the defense of the country, and relies on the military administration authorities.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the head of the National Police, Ivan Vyhivskyi, spoke out against giving the policemen the authority to issue summonses separately from the military.


