Economy 2024-09-15T04:36:43+03:00
Ukrainian news
Examination confirms groundless crediting of UAH 5.8 billion to Kolomoiskyi’s PrivatBank account

Examination confirms groundless crediting of UAH 5.8 billion to Kolomoiskyi’s PrivatBank account

Kolomoiskyi, Ihor Kolomoiskyi

The examination has confirmed the unjustified and unreasonable transfer of more than UAH 5.8 billion to the bank account of businessman Ihor Kolomoiskyi at PrivatBank.

This is stated in court materials, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

"Conclusion of experts of the Scientific Research Center of Forensic Expertise in the Field of Information Technology and Intellectual Property dated January 10, 2024, No. 441/1-2/23, based on the results of the commission of forensic economic expertise, according to which, provided that cash is not actually transferred to the cash desk of the Head Office of JSC CB PRIVATBANK by INDIVIDUAL_12 (Kolomoiskyi), committing illegal actions with transfer documents, other means of access to bank accounts are confirmed by the conclusions of the analytical product of the Department of Information Analysis and Risk Management of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine dated October 18, 2023, No. 9.3/3.3.4/6856-23 regarding the unjustified and unreasonable increase in the asset in the form of non-cash funds crediting from the account of the Head Office of JSC CB PRIVATBANK to an account opened at JSC CB PRIVATBANK on Kolomoiskyi’s name for a total amount of UAH 5,877,765,263.20 between March 26, 2013 and February 18, 2014," the court said.

They also say that some of the witnesses in the case of Kolomoiskyi testified against him.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv extended the pre-trial investigation period in the Kolomoiskyi case until June 2.

In September 2023, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Bureau of Economic Security and the Prosecutor General’s Office exposed new facts of criminal activity of the owner of a large financial and industrial group Ihor Kolomoiskyi and informed him of a new suspicion - of the appropriation of funds in the amount of UAH 5.8 billion.

According to the investigation, between 2013 and 2014, Kolomoiskyi illegally took possession of UAH 5.8 billion.

To do this, he created a criminal group, which consisted of employees of the bank, in which he was a founder and shareholder.

During this period, members of this group allowed Kolomoiskyi to make systematic fictitious "cash contributions to the bank's cash desk," although in fact the bank did not receive any contributions.

According to investigators, such a "scheme" in general allowed the defendant to receive UAH 5.8 billion.

These fake contributions were then credited to Kolomoiskyi’s personal account and became real cashless funds.

In order to legalize virtual assets, Kolomoiskyi paid off them in his entrepreneurial activities.

Больше новостей о: Kolomoiskyi Ihor Kolomoiskyi

