Politics 2024-09-15T04:36:30+03:00
Ukrainian news
Zelenskyy approves legalization of lobbying

Zelenskyy approves legalization of lobbying

law, bill, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, lobbying, bill on lobbying, law on lobbying

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed the lobbying law.

This is stated on the card of bill No. 10337, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

The law, in particular, defines terminology in the field of lobbying; rights and obligations of lobbying entities; methods of exposure; rules for the ethical behavior of lobbying entities.

According to it, lobbying is an activity carried out for the purpose of influencing (attempting to influence) the object of lobbying in the commercial interests of the beneficiary (for remuneration received directly or indirectly, and/or with payment of actual costs necessary for its implementation) or in its commercial interests of the person and concerns the subject of lobbying.

It provides for the creation of the Register of Transparency, the owner and administrator of which is the National Agency on Corruption Prevention.

The law regulates the procedure for registration in the Register of Transparency and exceptions from it; access to the Transparency Register (open and free); reporting of the lobbying entity entered in the Transparency Register; mechanisms for monitoring the activities of lobbying entities by monitoring compliance with legislation on lobbying issues.

The report of the European Commission on Ukraine dated December 8, 2023 on the results of the assessment of progress in the implementation of the conclusion of the Commission on Ukraine's application for membership in the EU defines the adoption of a law regulating lobbying in accordance with European standards as part of an anti-oligarchic plan, one of the four policy recommendations that Ukraine must fulfill to begin negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on February 23, the Verkhovna Rada legalized lobbying.

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Law Enforcement recommends that parliament adopt a bill on responsibility for lobbying violations.


