Politics 2024-09-15T04:33:41+03:00
Ukrainian news
Occupiers preparing to repel Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups in Sevastopol - partisans

Occupiers preparing to repel Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups in Sevastopol - partisans

Crimea, Sevastopol, sabotage and reconnaissance groups, occupied Sevastopol, Russians in Crimea, temporarily occupied Sevastopol, attack on Sevastopol, russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol

Partisans of the ATESH movement reported that the russian occupiers are preparing to repel the attack of Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups in Sevastopol in the temporarily captured Crimea.

It was reported by ATESH on Telegram.

"ATESH agents continue to monitor the movements of Russian occupation forces in Crimea. According to our information, the Russian command is preparing to repel the attack of Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups," the report said.

It is indicated that for this, the occupiers’ IFVs will strengthen the coastline of defense. Also, the ATESH movement informed that after the last attack by UAVs, the russian command set the task of increasing the number of air defense systems over Sevastopol.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on the night of March 24, the Defense Forces of Ukraine launched a missile attack on occupied Sevastopol.

The strikes were inflicted on the 13th Ship Repair Plant, the main special communications unit of the Black Sea Fleet of the russian federation and three ships that were in Sevastopol Bay at the time of the attack.

As a result of the missile attack, large landing ships Yamal and Azov were hit. Later it became known that the intelligence ship Ivan Khurs was also hit by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On March 26, it became known that the Ukrainian Defense Forces hit the large landing ship Konstantin Olshansky, which the russians stole 10 years ago during the occupation of Crimea.


