World 2024-09-15T04:24:23+03:00
Ukrainian news
Attempt on Fico. Slovakia tells about state of Prime Minister

Attempt on Fico. Slovakia tells about state of Prime Minister

Slovakia, Robert Fico, assassination attempt on Fico

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is still in serious condition, but his life is out of danger.

This was announced by Slovakia's Vice Prime Minister Robert Kalinak on May 19, four days after the assassination attempt on Fico, Reuters reports.

"The worst that we feared is over, at least for the moment," he said at a press conference outside the hospital where Fico is staying in the central Slovak city of Banska Bystrica.

Kalinak told reporters that Fico's condition is still too serious to consider transferring him to the capital's hospital.

"We all calmed down a bit. When we said that we wanted to get closer to a positive prognosis, I think we are one step closer to that. But his condition remains very serious, and therefore he will remain under the supervision of doctors at the hospital in Banska Bystrica," added the Vice Prime Minister of Slovakia.

We will remind, on May 15, in Slovakia, a man shot Prime Minister Robert Fico. Later it turned out that he was the Slovak poet and political activist Juraj Cintula. The attacker may face life imprisonment.

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