Economy 2024-09-15T04:21:10+03:00
Ukrainian news
Farmers complete spring sowing campaign

Farmers complete spring sowing campaign

sowing, sowing campaign, sowing campaign during war, sowing of crops, sowing of spring crops, spring sowing campaign

According to the results of spring sowing, agricultural enterprises sowed 7.2 million hectares of oil crops and almost 5.6 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops in the territory controlled by Ukraine.

This is stated in the message of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

In particular, farmers sowed more than 99% of the projected areas of spring cereals and legumes: corn - 3,928,000 hectares (100.4% of the projected areas); barley – 783,000 hectares (95.7%); wheat – 252,700 hectares (102.6%); oats – 163,700 hectares (100.7%); peas – 162,500 hectares (101.6%); buckwheat – 100,800 hectares (80.7%); millet – 69,700 hectares (81.8%).

Among the oil crops sown there are: sunflower - 5,189,800 hectares (98%), soybeans - 2,032,300 hectares (102%).

Sugar beet was sown on an area of ​​250,100 hectares (97%).

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, at the end of February, sowing of spring crops started in Ukraine.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food predicts a decrease in the harvest of grain and leguminous crops by 10%, or by 8 million tons, to 74 million tons in 2024 compared to 2023.


