Law Enforcement 2024-09-15T04:19:09+03:00
Ukrainian news
Nasirov's father-in-law suspected of laundering EUR 13 million in bribes

Nasirov's father-in-law suspected of laundering EUR 13 million in bribes

NACB, bribe, State Fiscal Service, money laundering, National Anti-Corruption Bureau, Roman Nasirov, bribery, suspicion, National Anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) has informed Oleksandr Hlimbovskyi, the father-in-law of the former head of the State Fiscal Service, Roman Nasirov, about the suspicion of laundering EUR 13 million in bribes.

The NACB and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SACPO) have announced this, the Ukrainian News agency reports.

Also, the NACB and the SACPO reported the suspicion to ex-advisor of Nasirov.

At present, their actions are classified as crimes under Part 5 of Art. 27, Part 4 of Art. 368, Part 3 of Art. 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

We are talking about a record bribe in the amount of over UAH 722 million, which was given for actions related to providing VAT reimbursement to legal entities controlled by the owner of an agricultural holding in the amount of over UAH 3.2 billion.

According to the investigation, Hlimbovskyi helped legalize the alleged bribe received by Nasirov from oligarch Oleh Bakhmatiuk for VAT reimbursement to his companies.

EUR 13 million in bribes was legalized and spent on the purchase of an unfinished residential and office complex with parking in the center of Kyiv "Metropol".

The complex continued to be built and receive additional income, in particular in 2022-2023.

At the end of 2023, the NACB and the SACPO managed to seize 81 real estate objects and more than UAH 30 million, which the owner of a group of construction companies acquired thanks to legalized funds.

The rest of the funds in the amount of EUR 7.9 million was legalized by Nasirov's advisor.

In January 2017, USD 5.5 million was used to conclude an agency contract, and another EUR 2.8 million was used as payment for sales contracts in April - August 2018.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, the former head of the State Fiscal Service, Roman Nasirov, was released from the pre-trial detention center - bail in the amount of UAH 55 million was posted for him.

Nasirov is suspected of receiving a bribe of UAH 722 million.

On October 18, 2022, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office notified Roman Nasirov of suspicion of receiving a bribe of UAH 722 million.


