War 2024-09-15T04:17:16+03:00
Ukrainian news
Russia prosecuting migrants to force them to join army - British intelligence

Russia prosecuting migrants to force them to join army - British intelligence

migrants, war with Russia, Russian army, mobilization in Russia, Central Asia

Russian law enforcement officers are conducting a campaign of legal persecution of migrants, especially from Central Asia, in an effort to persuade them to join the russian army. In this way, the aggressor state tries to limit the influence of mobilization on "the population that has greater political activity."

This is stated in the intelligence review of the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain.

Thus, during a speech at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum on June 27, 2024, the head of the Investigative Committee of russia, Aleksandr Bastrykin, stated that the russian authorities had recorded 30,000 migrants who had recently become russian citizens and were not on the military register.

In addition, Bastrykin boasted that 10,000 of them had already been sent to the combat zone in Ukraine. He claimed that these migrants would "dig trenches" and perform other duties in the rear.

Analysts also noted that russian independent media have previously reported that russian law enforcement agencies are conducting a campaign of legal persecution of migrants, particularly from Central Asia, in an attempt to induce them to join the russian armed forces in exchange for citizenship or to avoid arrest on trumped-up charges.

"This is probably another ingenious way to increase conscription into the army, trying to limit the influence on those parts of the russian population that are more politically active," the review concluded.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the aggressor state of russia continues to recruit foreign citizens to the ranks of its Armed Forces of russia to participate in hostilities in Ukraine. At the same time, it is likely that foreign citizens are not integrated into the promised "special" units, but into already existing ones.


