Society 2024-09-15T04:15:52+03:00
Ukrainian news
Court arrests chief forensic expert Ruvin’s stepson and allows him to be released on bail of UAH 24 million

Court arrests chief forensic expert Ruvin’s stepson and allows him to be released on bail of UAH 24 million

Oleksandr Ruvin, Nazar Sheptytskyi, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise

The High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) has arrested the stepson of the director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise Oleksandr Ruvin, Nazar Sheptytskyi, but allowed him to be released on bail of UAH 24 million.

The Ukrainian News agency was informed about this in the court.

The High Anti-Corruption Court took the stepson of the director general of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise into custody for 60 days.

The alternative is the bail of UAH 23.84 million.

In the case of depositing funds, a number of duties will be imposed on him, in particular, to hand over foreign passports, to arrive at the first request, to notify about a change of residence, etc.

As the Ukrainian News agency earlier reported, detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB) searched Serhii Zviahintsev, acting head of the State Customs Service.

The NACB and the SACPO detained Sheptytskyi on suspicion of organizing an attempt to bribe the leadership of the State Customs Service. According to the investigation, Sheptytskyi was the initiator of bribing the management of the Customs Service to appoint "his people" as heads of regional customs. In particular, those involved allegedly offered USD 1 million for the appointment of the head of the Lviv Customs, USD 500,000 for the Volyn Customs and USD 200,000 for the Chernivtsi Customs. In addition, the suspects promised the leadership of the State Customs Service half of the profits received as a result of illegal activities at the regional customs.


