Events 2024-09-15T04:14:46+03:00
Ukrainian news
Unknown people cut off finger of 17-year-old Ukrainian in Kraków

Unknown people cut off finger of 17-year-old Ukrainian in Kraków

Poland, attack on Ukrainians, teenager

In Kraków, Poland, unknown persons attacked a 17-year-old Ukrainian, beat him, broke his skull and cut off his finger with a machete.

The local publication Gazeta Krakowska writes about it.

It all happened on July 10 in Zakrzówek Park near the swimming pool. Four men approached the group of six people, where a 17-year-old Ukrainian was. There was a conflict between them. A fight started.

The injured teenager tried to stand up for his friend, but he was brutally beaten. The boy's finger was cut off with a machete, his head was broken and he was thrown into the water.

The attackers fled.

Now the Kraków police have already detained three people who may be involved in the incident. These are also teenagers. The youngest of them is 15 years old, the other is 17. If his guilt is proven, he will be responsible for his actions as an adult.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in Warsaw, a man and a woman attacked a girl from Belarus allegedly because they mistook her for a russian-speaking Ukrainian.

A 16-year-old citizen of Ukraine tried to run away from the police and crashed into a tree at a speed of 150-160 km/h in the Polish city of Gdańsk. The passenger of the car is fighting for his life in the hospital.

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