War 2024-09-15T04:12:44+03:00
Ukrainian news
Occupation authorities cover up outbreak of cholera in Crimea. What did resistance find out?

Occupation authorities cover up outbreak of cholera in Crimea. What did resistance find out?

occupied Crimea, Russian occupation, cholera, cholera epidemic

Hackers gained access to a collective letter of complaint from employees of one of the hospitals in Simferopol, temporarily occupied Crimea, to Roszdravnadzor, which reveals details about the cholera epidemic in Crimea, which probably began as early as mid-June 2024.

This was reported by the National Resistance Center.

Thus, the hackers of the "Cyber ​​Resistance" group gained access to data from the electronic mailbox of the drug supply department of the so-called "Crimean Ministry of Health" of the ROA.

The letter sent to the medical supply department contains requirements to verify and provide documents regarding the lack of provision of drugs and personal protective equipment for hospital staff during the "epidemic spread of cholera, starting from June 2024 to the present time." Roszdravnadzor, a special organization that oversees the state of the health care system in the russian federation, is required to conduct an inspection and submit a report.

"The epidemic affected the hospital workers in Crimea, who were completely unprepared for it. In particular, the letter asks to clarify whether they ordered advanced training courses for the staff "on the prevention of ISMP (is deciphered from russian as infections associated with the provision of medical care). They also ask why there was not a sufficient amount of personal protective equipment," the National Resistance Center adds.

The letter also states that Simferopol City Hospital No. 7 has become the main place of reception for patients with cholera. However, two cities are also mentioned - Dzhankoi and Feodosia. The first is located in the north of the peninsula, the second - in the east, near Kerch.

Photo: National Resistance CenterPhoto: National Resistance Center

Photo: National Resistance CenterPhoto: National Resistance Center

At the same time, the department reminded, at the beginning of July, the russian mass media reported on the closure of beaches in Feodosia due to a breach of the collector and the discharge of sewage into the sea. Also, in June and July, mentions of the topic of cholera increased significantly in the materials of russian propagandists. In particular, materials about "how to protect yourself from cholera in Crimea" were published on the website of the main mouthpiece of state propaganda RIA-Novosti.

However, not a single settlement was officially declared an epidemic disaster zone. At the same time, the russian Telegram channels reported on typhus and cholera, which are spreading among the russian military in the south of Ukraine. On June 27, the russian military channel "Two Majors" wrote about it.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, in addition, the risk of a cholera outbreak was reported in the temporarily occupied Mariupol of the Donetsk Region.


