World 2024-09-15T04:12:05+03:00
Ukrainian news
Britain gripped by mass riots after killing of children

Britain gripped by mass riots after killing of children

mass protests, killing of children, protests in UK, protests in Britain, murder of children

Mass riots broke out in cities across the UK after children were attacked and killed in a dance class on July 30. Police arrested at least 87 people.

This was reported by the Reuters agency on Sunday, August 4.

After July 30, riots began to break out in Britain. Saturday's protests were the largest and spread to many cities, including Liverpool, Bristol, Hull and Stoke-on-Trent, Blackpool. Local police said they had arrested at least 87 people. There was also unrest in Manchester and Belfast.

"Criminal violence and thuggery on our streets will not be tolerated. The police have my full support in ensuring that those involved in criminal unrest receive the harshest punishment," Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said they were the result of deliberate actions by the far right, coordinated by "a group of individuals who are absolutely committed to violence" and not a legitimate protest. The police denied information that the suspect was a radical Islamist migrant.

The last time violent protests broke out across Britain was in 2011, when thousands of people took to the streets after police shot dead a black man in London, Reuters recalls.


