World 2024-09-15T04:12:05+03:00
Ukrainian news
Freed russian oppositionists call for lifting of sanctions on RF and ask to "go home"

Freed russian oppositionists call for lifting of sanctions on RF and ask to "go home"

exchange, opposition, russian opposition, Vladimir Kara-Murza, Ilya Yashin

Russian oppositionist Vladimir Kara-Murza, who was released from prison as a result of the exchange between the russian federation and the USA, declared the "injustice" of Western sanctions against the entire people of russia. Oppositionist Ilya Yashin expressed his desire to "return home".

This was reported by Meduza publication and Reuters agency.

After his release, Kara-Murza gave a press conference where he stated that it is unfair to impose sanctions against the entire country and its citizens. According to him, restrictions should apply only to putin and his supporters.

"And we see very often that the sanctions of Western democratic countries are no longer directed against putin's regime and not against specific criminals in the highest ranks of putin's regime, but against the entire country, against all russian citizens. This is extremely unfair and counterproductive, because it gives the russian propaganda an opportunity to imagine that the russians found themselves" in the ring of enemies," the politician said.

Russian oppositionist Ilya Yashin, imprisoned in 2022 for criticizing russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, has expressed his desire to return to the russian federation.

"My expulsion from russia really hurts me, despite all the gratitude I feel to those who wished me well and saved me. But I sincerely say that my place is in russia... I dedicated my life to my country," Yashin said.

Another released figure, Andrey Pivovarov, said that he "has a great desire to return": "I definitely want to be in russia. I am a russian politician, and this is very important to me. It is clear that they (the russian authorities) will not allow us to return, although we want to," Pivovarov said.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, on August 1, US President Joe Biden confirmed the release as a result of the exchange of Americans, Germans and russians held in russian prisons.


