China 2024-09-12T04:06:45+03:00
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China is now the world leader in coffee shops

China is now the world leader in coffee shops

China, statistics, coffee, PRC, Xinhua, coffee shop
China is now the world leader in coffee shops. Photo by  Xinhua.
China is now the world leader in coffee shops. Photo by  Xinhua.

Last year, China surpassed the United States to become the country with the most branded coffee shops in the world, as Chinese coffee consumption per person rose fourfold between 2010 and 2022.

This was reported by The Xinhua News Agency.

The rapid growth in the Chinese market amid rising consumption presents a massive opportunity for domestic and foreign coffee brands, analysts said, according to a report by World Coffee Portal released.

China’s branded coffee shop market has grown 58 percent over the last 12 months to reach 49,691 outlets. Growth was led by the rapid expansion of the small store format and delivery focused Luckin Coffee and Cotti Coffee, which added 5,059 and 6,004 new stores, respectively, according to the report.

Starbucks opened 785 outlets in China during the period and is the second-largest branded coffee operator in the country by outlets. 

China is the fastest-growing market in East Asia ahead of Malaysia and the Philippines, according to the report.

The rapid growth of the coffee market in China indicates that Chinese consumers' demand for coffee is continuously increasing, which presents more business opportunities for both domestic and foreign coffee companies in the Chinese market, analysts said.

More than 90 percent of 4,000 Chinese coffee shop consumers surveyed drink hot coffee weekly, while 64 percent consume iced coffee at least once a week. Meanwhile, 89 percent of consumers surveyed visit or order from a coffee shop at least once a week, with a fifth of those doing so daily, according to the report.

The growth of the coffee market in China also reflects the trend of consumer upgrading.

Больше новостей о: China statistics coffee PRC Xinhua coffee shop

