Politics 2024-09-16T04:07:21+03:00
Ukrainian news
Changes to legislation due to operation in Kursk Oblast not yet planned - fighting MP Kostenko

Changes to legislation due to operation in Kursk Oblast not yet planned - fighting MP Kostenko

Verkhovna Rada, Kursk oblast, Roman Kostenko, operation in Kursk oblast

Roman Kostenko, secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, Member of Parliament from the Holos faction, said that he had not heard that changes to Ukrainian legislation were planned due to the operation in the Kursk Oblast to regulate the status of the territories.

He told Ukrainian News Agency about this.

"No corresponding changes in the legislation regarding... Look, I haven't heard what's planned. Maybe there will be, maybe there will be now. We often have... We're still passing laws that might have been appropriate at the beginning of the war, but until we see the problem, we do not regulate it," the MP noted.

Nor did he hear that there were any legal problems that would prevent active action into enemy territory in order to liberate one's territories.

As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, Kostenko is convinced that the military commander's office in the Kursk Oblast was created in accordance with the Geneva Convention and international law.

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, said that the parliament is ready to make the necessary decisions for the military, including those concerning the Kursk Oblast.

Kostenko was on a "business trip" to the territory of the aggressor country of russia. In the published video, he crossed the border with the aggressor country in military uniform.


