Law Enforcement 2024-09-16T04:07:03+03:00
Ukrainian news
Pentagon Chief Austin and Defense Minister Umierov hold their 3rd telephone conversation in 10 days

Pentagon Chief Austin and Defense Minister Umierov hold their 3rd telephone conversation in 10 days

Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, war in Ukraine, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Rustem Umierov, USA-Ukraine

US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin and Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umierov spoke by phone for the third time in the last 10 days.

As it became known from the official announcements of Ukraine and the USA.

Umierov wrote that he had a "weekly" conversation with Austin, in which he talked about the current situation on the battlefield, Ukraine's urgent needs and plans for the near future.

"One of the key topics was the preparation for the next meeting of the Contact Group on the Defense of Ukraine in September. I expressed gratitude to the USA for the constant and powerful support of Ukraine," the Minister of Defense of Ukraine said.

The Pentagon's communique also reported that the conversation concerned Ukraine's ongoing operations and priority needs in military capabilities.

"Defense Secretary Austin congratulated the Ukrainian people, who are celebrating Independence Day on August 24, and confirmed that the United States will continue to support Ukraine in resisting russian aggression. Secretary Austin also provided details on U.S. security assistance, including the USD 125 million package announced today by President Biden," the statement says.

The previous conversation between Lloyd Austin and Rustem Umierov took place on August 19, and the last time they spoke before that was on August 14.

As reported by the Ukrainian News Agency, on the eve of Ukraine's Independence Day, the US Department of Defense announced the provision of additional security assistance to meet Ukraine's critical security and defense needs. This is stated in a message on the website of the Pentagon.


